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Happy New Year

Christian New Year’s Resolutions

How can I use the New Year To better serve my Lord? I’ll read my Bible every day, And be more in accord.

I’ll find new ways to serve others; I’ll love my neighbor, too. I’ll focus on "give" instead of "get" In everything I do.

I’ll forgive the people I’m mad at; Angry feelings I’ll discard; I’ll try to love my enemies, Even though it’s hard.

In the new year, I’ll lift people up, Instead of putting them down. I’ll fill my heart with love and joy, And never wear a frown.

I’ll let go of my worries; I’ll put it all in His hands; I’ll repent and try to sin less, And obey all His commands.

These new year’s resolutions Are difficult, at best, But there’s something I can do each day That will put my soul at rest:

I’ll love my Lord with all my heart, With all my mind and soul, And if I do that essential thing, All the rest will be in control.

By Joanna Fuchs

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Thank You

She is pregnant; he had just saved her from a fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, while he continued to fight the fire.

When he finally got done putting the fire out, he sat down to catch his breath and rest.

A photographer from the Charlotte, North Carolina newspaper, noticed her in the distance looking at the fireman.

He saw her walking straight toward the fireman and wondered what she was going to do.

As he raised his camera, she came up to the
tired man who had saved her life and the lives of her babies and kissed him just as the photographer snapped this photograph.

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Merry Christmas


This Xmas, I would like to put up a tree in my heart, and instead of hanging present, I would like to put the names of all my friends. Close friends and not so close friends. The old friends the new friends. Those that I see everyday and the ones that I rarely se. The ones that I always remember & the ones that I sometimes forget. The ones that are always there and the ones that seldom are. The friends of difficult times and the ones of happy times. Friends who, without meaning to, I have hurt, or without meaning to have hurt me. Those that I know well and those that I owe so much. My humble friends & my important friends. The names of all of those that have passed through my life no matter fleetingly. A tree with very deep roots & very long & strong branches so that their names my never be plucked from my heart. So that new names from all over may join the existing ones. A tree with a very pleasant shade so that our friendship may take a moment of rest from the battles of life. “May the happy moments of Xmas brighten everyday of the New Year” These are my sincere wishes.

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Merry Xmas


Children in their bed dream of Christmas Sleigh bells ring out in the night Rudolph’s nose to fight the way As they slowly make their way

Through the valley they will go To the village just below Where Carolers are singing Christmas hymns As the snow rests gently at their feet

So sound the bell and sing noel As Santa brings joy to every girl and boy Listen as the Christmas Eve bells Ring out in the night Reindeers waiting upon the rooftop As Santa clicks his heels down the chimney he goes To where the Christmas tree awaits him just below

Holly hangs from the eves, as tinsels rest upon the tree And stockings sway there in the breeze With a smile he will leave And as the sleigh fades out of sight Santa calls Merry Christmas to one and all

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10th Anniversary

Dulu pernah punya cita-cita, nanti kalau pas UlTah pernikahan yg ke-10, mau dandan abis-abisan semua. Trus buat photo yg romantis, juga buat photo keluarga. Malah kalu bisa buat pesta lagi. Yang meriah. Tapi ternyata ngga kesampaian. Sedih sih, tapi Ngurah bilang: "Tak perlu dandan. Saya tetap sayang Herda, walaupun Herda tak dandan." Ooh, I Love You, Ngurah..
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10th Anniversary


Dear Ngurah,

"Your smile is one of warmth and love, for you is a very special person, when I needed arms to hug me you held them open to me and made me feel secure and safe. Did I ever tell you how much I love you for I think of you with such fond thoughts and memories."

With all my love,

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Google Search

Iseng ketik "Gue Banget Gitu Loh" di google, eh ternyata ada di hal 19 (nomor 183 dari 129,000 hasil pencarian)! Keren juga... Kalau ditambahin google ads, kali bisa di hal pertama ya. Kudu rajin nambahin postingan nih. Gitu kata Ibu Guru Ahira. Tetap semangat...
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Setelah punya rumah, apa cita-citamu?

Kecil saja: ingin bisa sampai di rumah saat masih senja supaya saya dan senja sempat minum teh bersama di depan jendela.

Ah cita-cita. Makin hari kesibukan makin bertumpuk, uang makin banyak maunya, jalanan macet, akhirnya pulang terlambat. Seperti turis lokal saja, singgah menginap di rumah sendiri buat sekedar melepas penat.

Tak usahlah berandai-andai: saat baru saja mulai akrab dengan rumah (yang baru saja tamat cicilan kreditnya), tiba-tiba Telah Pulang ke Rumah Bunda di Surga...

Terberkatilah waktu yang dengan tekun dan sabar membangun sengkarut tubuhku menjadi rumah besar yang ditunggui seorang ibu. Ibu waktu berbisik mesar: “Sudah kubuatkan sarang senja di bujur barat tubuhmu. Senja sedang berhangat-hangat di dalam sarangnya.”

A poem by Joko Pinurbo, 2003 (for The Pakubuwono Residence)

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Seingat saya, laron (rayap) itu besar, gemuk dan keluar dari dalam tanah pada waktu musim hujan. Tidak demikian dengan yang saya lihat selama hampir setahun ini. Laron-laron itu putih, kecil, dan keluar dari kusen pintu dua hari sekali, setiap jam 22.00 WITA, dan jelas tidak ada hujan. Tadi pagi akhirnya suami melubangi kayu-kayu kusen pintu itu (yang ternyata memang sudah kosong dalamnya), supaya saya bisa menuangkan minyak tanah, berharap rayap yang tersisa mati. Suami bilang, ini bukan rayap biasa. Rayap yang keluar dari tanah bentuknya bulat. Sementara yang menghuni pintu rumah kami bentuknya agak panjang. Anehnya lagi, sudah setahun kami panen laron, tidak ada satupun dari tetangga saya yang mengalami hal serupa. Padahal usia rumah, jenis bahan, jelas sama. Soal genteng bocor pun jelas sama, karena tiap musim hujan tetangga antri pinjam tangga untuk perbaiki genteng. Perumahan kami berdiri di atas bukit kapur. Untungnya rayap-rayap itu baik hati, tidak menyerang buku-buku kami yang bertumpuk di tiap sudut. Berbeda dengan rumah orang tua saya yang terpisah 150 km sebelah utara rumah kami. Saya tidak pernah melihat laron putih berterbangan di rumah ortu. Tapi kalau pada malam hari ada suara gemerisik seperti gerimis di salah satu sudut rumah, kami segera tahu ada rayap menyerang! Dan seingat saya, tetangga kiri-kanan pun tidak ada yang mengalami hal serupa. Aneh ya. Sepertinya kami kena kutuk Ratu Rayap. Karena waktu kami masih kecil, saat hujan pertama turun, kami selalu pesta pepes laron…. (Surat ini diterbitkan di Tabloid Rumah edisi 119, Rubrik Serambi)
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The Secret

What Is The Secret
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Untuk Segala Sesuatu Ada Waktunya (PKH3:1-15)

Bulan Juli 07, udah dapat interview di Keraton, tinggal sign kontrak, tapi EH minta saya tinggal untuk bantu, minimal sampai Liv sold out. Iya deh. Memulai yg baru juga rada serem... Awal Oct.07, ngajukan cuti untuk Natal, ngga bisa. Keduluan Eric yg mau mudik ke Amrik. Iya lagi, toh bisa Natal-an di rumah saja. Akhir Oct.07, tiba-tiba penjualan melonjak, sampai 7 villa dalam waktu hanya seminggu! Gile!! Bilang ke Eric, "Bagus, kalau sold out November, saya pasti bisa cuti Natal-an, karena tak perlu lagi ada yg harus nungguin show villa. Allan bisa pindah ke villa January. Everybody happy..." 29 Oct.07, Yoko telp "Herda, kontrakmu selesai akhir tahun ini ya?"... Hah?! Kok bisa? Tak pernah saya tandatangan kontrak seperti itu. Setelah diingat-ingat, oh ya. Dulu memang perjanjian saya cuma untuk Liv project. Kalau sudah sold out, ya kontrak saya habis. Waktu Tuhan memang waktu yg terindah. Tuhan sudah siapkan semuanya, tepat pada waktu-Nya. Jadi saya tak khawatir lagi soal cuti Natal (semoga akhir kontrak itu, akhir Desember. paling tidak, bisa dapat THR ;-P )
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Jeni Eko Wardhani, Where Are You...??


Kehilangan seorang teman apalagi sahabat, sungguh membuat sedih dan rasa bersalah, seolah tak peduli pada sahabat.
Jeni, where ever you are, we all miss you. Please contact us.

Aam - 081 911 410 439
Indha - 081 252 74327
Herda - 081 236 91467

Indha bilang kamu dan keluarga pindah ke Batam. Saya coba hubungi Jl. Bungur 9 Malang, tak ada yg bisa membantu.

Hubungi kami ya.
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Gigi Patah


Ini foto Stephanie waktu giginya patah. Sorenya (22 Sept.2007) ke Dokter untuk ditambal, eh hari Minggu lalu (7 oct.2007) udah hilang, mungkin tertelan gara-gara makan kulit babi guling!

Busyet dah. Ngga tau kapan bisa ganti lagi. Seratus ribu bok…

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New Comer

Iseng search blogger setelah sangat sering mendengar tentang yg satu ini. Dicoba yuuk.. Semoga betul menyenangkan. Have fun...
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